7 Liberal Arts – Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic. Still relevant today?

Freemasonry encourages continuous self-improvement, which can take many forms. Mentioned specifically are the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences, encouraging the study of various subjects which in days gone by would provide a rounded education to a gentleman.

Finding some origin in Ancient Greece during a period of interest in enquiring and understanding the world, there was a later resurgence during the Renaissance when logic became a primary focus, with new understanding in science, engineering and art changing society at an incredible pace. It was also the time Freemasonry was taking the shape we would come to know it by today. So it was no surprise the Liberal Arts would be incorporated.

However, how relevant can a three hundred-plus year-old syllabus of education be today? This question came to mind recently while listening to the radio and a person espousing the importance of Oracy being taught to children in school. For some time we have heard the push to improve reading, writing and math skills, which it can’t be argued are essential for all to have a working knowledge of. The first three “Arts and Sciences” were the first to be covered traditionally and tie in very nicely with the current focus on education, only also throwing in that which has been suggested, the spoken word.

So, with this in mind here is a brief explanation of the first three, named the Trivium, which many will be aware of, and how they might tie in with today’s education.


This covers the rules in constructing phrases, sentences and words. By learning how to connect these together we can understand the basics of communicating and understanding, thus making it the foundation the other parts are built on.

This naturally necessitates an ability to spell, read and write, but also extends to using these skills in spoken word. The current focus on “English” is reflected in this, although I would suggest this classical “Grammar” goes a little wider as it does cover the skills in spoken word as well as written ability, whereas current focus is heavily weighed towards the written word alone.

Logic (or Dialectic)

Here we find the skill involved in analysing ideas or statements. Something presented by the use of grammar, we then pick apart with logic, seeking a better understanding and testing the strength of how true the statement is. We are thrown so much information in today’s world we sometimes find it easier to accept something is true, rather than spending the energy on examining how it stands up to reasoned investigation.

In education today there is an element of this in math, which absolutely helps us examine the logic of a thing from one angle and achieve a better understanding. We also find some education later on in understanding scientific investigation, to illuminate theories in that area. What appears less of a focus is the general skill of picking apart a fact or point of view presented, or seeking to better understand our own opinions to see if there is a foundation below our accepted beliefs. By widening education in this area, we may better navigate the current world we find ourselves in and so contribute towards a stronger community.


Having learned to construct a way of communicating the thoughts in our heads and being able to analyse our own and other’s ideas, we find ourselves often in place we wish to communicate what is in our mind with others. This is, in part, the skill defined as “Oracy”. Although again, oracy would only be a part of the whole of rhetoric, focussing mainly on the physics of speaking aloud.

This skill teaches us to communicate with others, becoming confident in our verbal ability to talk to one or many, building confidence. It also provides tools, to pass on complex ideas more efficiently, in understandable ways. It gives us the politician and salesperson’s skill of being able to convince and encourage others to come over to our way of thinking. On the flip side, by having this understanding ourselves and indulging our abilities in logic, we are less likely to be influenced by others when they have a high ability in this area.

Hopefully it is plain to see how these three alone can improve a person’s chance of success in life, whether they learn them for the first time as a child, or later decide to improve their skills in those areas. Basic skills can become sharpened tools, which in the hand of an expert workman, can be used for a wide variety of situations to provide positive outcomes for those involved.

A Freemason or not, consider making some small steps in honing your abilities in these areas and I’m sure you will find it beneficial.


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