Daniel Ling Daniel Ling

7 Liberal Arts – Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic. Still relevant today?

What are they and are the still relevant in todays world…

Freemasonry encourages continuous self-improvement, which can take many forms. Mentioned specifically are the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences, encouraging the study of various subjects which in days gone by would provide a rounded education to a gentleman.

Finding some origin in Ancient Greece during a period of interest in enquiring and understanding the world, there was a later resurgence during the Renaissance when logic became a primary focus, with new understanding in science, engineering and art changing society at an incredible pace. It was also the time Freemasonry was taking the shape we would come to know it by today. So it was no surprise the Liberal Arts would be incorporated.

However, how relevant can a three hundred-plus year-old syllabus of education be today? This question came to mind recently while listening to the radio and a person espousing the importance of Oracy being taught to children in school. For some time we have heard the push to improve reading, writing and math skills, which it can’t be argued are essential for all to have a working knowledge of. The first three “Arts and Sciences” were the first to be covered traditionally and tie in very nicely with the current focus on education, only also throwing in that which has been suggested, the spoken word.

So, with this in mind here is a brief explanation of the first three, named the Trivium, which many will be aware of, and how they might tie in with today’s education.


This covers the rules in constructing phrases, sentences and words. By learning how to connect these together we can understand the basics of communicating and understanding, thus making it the foundation the other parts are built on.

This naturally necessitates an ability to spell, read and write, but also extends to using these skills in spoken word. The current focus on “English” is reflected in this, although I would suggest this classical “Grammar” goes a little wider as it does cover the skills in spoken word as well as written ability, whereas current focus is heavily weighed towards the written word alone.

Logic (or Dialectic)

Here we find the skill involved in analysing ideas or statements. Something presented by the use of grammar, we then pick apart with logic, seeking a better understanding and testing the strength of how true the statement is. We are thrown so much information in today’s world we sometimes find it easier to accept something is true, rather than spending the energy on examining how it stands up to reasoned investigation.

In education today there is an element of this in math, which absolutely helps us examine the logic of a thing from one angle and achieve a better understanding. We also find some education later on in understanding scientific investigation, to illuminate theories in that area. What appears less of a focus is the general skill of picking apart a fact or point of view presented, or seeking to better understand our own opinions to see if there is a foundation below our accepted beliefs. By widening education in this area, we may better navigate the current world we find ourselves in and so contribute towards a stronger community.


Having learned to construct a way of communicating the thoughts in our heads and being able to analyse our own and other’s ideas, we find ourselves often in place we wish to communicate what is in our mind with others. This is, in part, the skill defined as “Oracy”. Although again, oracy would only be a part of the whole of rhetoric, focussing mainly on the physics of speaking aloud.

This skill teaches us to communicate with others, becoming confident in our verbal ability to talk to one or many, building confidence. It also provides tools, to pass on complex ideas more efficiently, in understandable ways. It gives us the politician and salesperson’s skill of being able to convince and encourage others to come over to our way of thinking. On the flip side, by having this understanding ourselves and indulging our abilities in logic, we are less likely to be influenced by others when they have a high ability in this area.

Hopefully it is plain to see how these three alone can improve a person’s chance of success in life, whether they learn them for the first time as a child, or later decide to improve their skills in those areas. Basic skills can become sharpened tools, which in the hand of an expert workman, can be used for a wide variety of situations to provide positive outcomes for those involved.

A Freemason or not, consider making some small steps in honing your abilities in these areas and I’m sure you will find it beneficial.

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Daniel Ling Daniel Ling

Tips and Techniques for Memory Work

Remembering your lines, whether and actor or Freemason, can be a challenging part of the work. Here we find some useful hints to put you on the right path!

Whether for occupations, hobbies, or Freemasonry, remembering things, sometimes verbatim, becomes something we need to do. This can prove challenging, especially in today’s hectic world. It can prove incredibly rewarding to spend time learning something and find yourself capable of repeating it at will.

Teaching of the Seven Liberal Arts of the classical world (discussed again in a future post!), relied on the ability to memorise pieces of written work which aided education in ‘Grammar’ and ‘Rhetoric’. It is something seldom taught in the modern world, yet no less useful than it once was.

Here is one technique to help with this and more tips and techniques will come in the future. This is especially useful for new members and hopefully as we bring more, even some more experienced brethren may fin something useful.

If we take a poem such as Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’, one approach, which is the more traditional, is simply to read the poem over and over, then practice reading it without the written word, flicking back to double check. This has worked well for many over the centuries.

A method to speed this up involves reducing the written version to the initial letters in each word, so they act as a prompt for the memory. Starting, we reading the lines all the way through, without the abbreviation. This settles our minds into the rhythm and pattern.

Then we add the abbreviated version, with the full line below, as follows:


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,



And sorry I could not travel both


A B O T, L I S

And be one traveler, long I stood



And looked down one as far as I could



To where it bent in the undergrowth;


The main focus needs to be on the abbreviation, with eyes flicking to the full words below only when we are suddenly ‘stuck’ on what word a letter represents. A key skill with all memory work is to keep the brain working actively, so securing the new patterns in the mind.


Useful in this case, is to chunk letter together:


T R D          I A Y W

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,


A S       I C N      T B

And sorry I could not travel both


A B    O T,       L I S

And be one traveller, long I stood


A L D O     A F    A I C

And looked down one as far as I could


T W I B      I T U

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


This provides two benefits.


Firstly to allow for a pattern or flow of speech. By ensuring there is a rhythm, it becomes easier for the mind to remember things.

Secondly you only have to remember 2-4 words at a time, in each chunk and then you let each chunk link into the next. This allows you to memorise a few words, flick your eyes back to the sheet, to jog the memory for the next bit, and try to remember the following bit without looking.


You then reduce the ‘written’ version to just the abbreviation:


T R D          I A Y W


A S       I C N      T B


A B    O T,       L I S


A L D O     A F    A I C


T W I B      I T U



To keep the flow, especially when the writing does not easily fit together, it is paramount to continue reading the piece all the way through, without long pauses, even if you have to keep looking back. This allows the memory to form as a whole. If you allow a pause the mind may struggle to know where it was supposed to go to next, without some kind of link. We will discuss linking sections, for longer pieces of memory work in another post.


If you do use this and find it useful, let us know how you get on and if you have a friend who might benefit then share it with them!

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Daniel Ling Daniel Ling

Jubilee Gateway Pillars

The Queen’s Jubilee Pillars and their connection to Freemasonry…

Portland Jubilee Gateway Pillars

These pillars at the end of the causeway, as you enter the bottom end of the Isle of Portland, often went half noticed by myself and I'm sure others. They were something I was dimly aware of, but never paid much attention too, which is probably common to a lost of people who drive by them every day.

These pillars were a local initiative 20 years ago, to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Sadly there were some challenges getting things from an idea and plan, into a physical structure.

This is where the involvement of the Portland Lodges came into play, supporting the endeavour. Without their input, it is likely the pillars would not be there today!

Although not a replica of the two pillars of Freemasonry, there is an echo in the basic idea of them. Also there is a fantastic commemorative carving at the base of the right hand pillar, offering thanks to the lodges for their generosity, and specifically naming the then Provincial Grand Master for Dorset, the Right Worshipful Brother K. Harry Barnes JP, who still attends Vindelis today, among a very busy diary of activities.

This grand event was marked at 11:30 on 9th May 2004 by a procession of Freemasons, in full regalia (possibly for the first time in 100 years!), making their way to where the foundation stone would be laid. A 'time-capsule' was placed in the ground under the stone, for future generations, with contributions not only from Freemasonry, but also 10 children from Tophill Junior School.

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Daniel Ling Daniel Ling

Lodge Meetings & Wellbeing

The positive effect of Freemasonry on Mental Health and Wellbeing…

Attending a men’s support group for mental health one evening, chatting to one of the facilitators he gave me some excellent advice; ‘When struggling, stressed or emotionally drained there are four things you should avoid; anger, hunger, isolation and exhaustion.’

This simple advice seemed very relevant to me at the time. It would not fix all worries and woes, but I could see how, when my well-being was challenged, some of my behaviours could be negatively impacted by these things. This would lead to it taking longer to get through these periods.

It was the week of our regular lodge meeting, so this linked together with the meeting itself, allowing time to ponder during the evening. It had me reflecting on how Lodge meetings can help these areas and well-being in general.


Getting angry can be a learned response we feel stuck with. It’s one which can give the opinion we have no control over ourselves, feeding back to make us more frustrated and angrier! The effect of anger lowers our ability to think rationally and leads us to be emotional, often defensive in our view of a situation.

In looking at triggers we find feelings of being wronged/mistreated, unsafe, uncertainty, being blamed by others and perceived attacks on our views, can all give rise to feelings of anger.

Lodges are as prone to things happening as anywhere, with no man perfect, yet the general approach at a lodge meeting, in my opinion, helps fend off the chance of an angry response. We meet on a level and are mostly supportive and welcoming to all. Politics and religion are removed from the mix; subjects traditionally encouraging to excited discussion! There is a routine to a lodge meeting, being familiar, across the globe. Familiar routine allows for removal of the uncertainty which arises in everyday life. Although brethren may fall out, personally I have found, the environment to be supportive and accepting in nature. The last time a man was truly angry in our lodge was either well-hidden or before my time.


It can seem counter intuitive to say a lodge can help with exhaustion, yet it can be true. Of course, when someone has been up for two days and walked 100 miles, then this type of exhaustion may not be resolved by a bit of ritual and meal in good company. However, there are other kinds of exhaustion resulting from mentally intensive tasks, emotional strain, physical work or even prolonged social interaction.

Many times I’ve asked myself if I have the energy for the lodge. In fact, our mind’s response to knowing there is something it perceives as taxing, is to make us feel we need to rest (even sleep!). This should serve to have us well rested for what is to come, but in today’s world with little time for a hours sleep in the afternoon, this can lead to us feeling drained to the point of not attending. Making the effort to go regardless, by the end of the evening many of us often feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

Generally, meetings are a relaxed environment, with conversation rarely forced and friendly smiles all round. On an emotional level, usually, the lodge provides a chance to switch off from the world outside and breathe easy for a few hours. As the evening is planned and we know what to expect, mental strain is rarely evident. The physical side is limited to standing and sitting (usually mid conversation!), sometimes multiple time in quick succession, which keeps the blood moving around our bodies, without breaking a sweat.

We may leave tired, yet I see most brothers heading into the night with a relaxed smile upon their faces.


There is much reporting on the effects of loneliness and isolation to individuals and society. A lack of connection in a local area can have a profound impact on how the community functions. Many people do not even know their own neighbours’. The impact of loneliness on individuals can lead to early death, cognitive decline, poor sleep, and depression to highlight few of the challenges.

This is often seen as something effecting the older generation, yet recent research in the United States brought attention to the fact young people reporting feelings of isolation had overtaken the elderly population in number, for the first time since recording began.

To bring this back to the start, if we already feel low, then feeling isolated can exacerbate this and possibly add further monkeys to your back!

Many of us are terrible at making an effort to socialise with friends and family, even though it’s usually enjoyable when the effort is made. Likewise, there are others who love to socialise, yet in today’s world struggle to find a group and place which suits their needs.

Those who have attended Lodge’s know what a warm welcome they receive. Even if once a month is all they attend, it can be a true island of social engagement, good for the individual and a person’s well-being and that of the wider community. Being part of any organisation with regular meeting’s can provide solace from everyday life taking over, and whether by internal factors or external events, offer comfort and connectedness which otherwise would not be there.


Food is one of my true loves, not only for the sustenance it provides, but the pleasure in anticipation, consumption, and memory.

When lacking in food our bodies and minds are impaired. This can show in tiredness, lethargy, a slowness in mental faculties and often grumpiness. If our mood or wellbeing is in a poor situation to start with, a lack of food and drink will certainly leave us with less energy to deal well what life throws our way.

Step forward the Festive Board…

A Freemason mostly leaves a meeting a little calmer and a lot fuller than when he arrived! The traditional approach to Festive Board gives us a chance to socialise and be merry over a satisfying multi course meal. It could be a traditional pie and chips, a Saturday cooked breakfast social, a curry and quiz night, or summer ham salad. Which ever it is, there is always plenty to go around. You can usually spot those who visit regularly by the length of their apron strings!


To Conclude

When you look at the foundations of your wellbeing, seeing cracks in stone and crumbling mortar, causing you to stand unsteadily and off the plumbline, then it is my firm belief Lodge Meeting’s can provide at least some filling of cracks and replacing of stonework, to let you stand a little firmer and closer to upright, able to weather a little firmer what life throws your way.

So head to a meeting, fill your empty stomach, refresh your body and mind, calm the spirit and enjoy good company.

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