Jubilee Gateway Pillars
Portland Jubilee Gateway Pillars
These pillars at the end of the causeway, as you enter the bottom end of the Isle of Portland, often went half noticed by myself and I'm sure others. They were something I was dimly aware of, but never paid much attention too, which is probably common to a lost of people who drive by them every day.
These pillars were a local initiative 20 years ago, to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Sadly there were some challenges getting things from an idea and plan, into a physical structure.
This is where the involvement of the Portland Lodges came into play, supporting the endeavour. Without their input, it is likely the pillars would not be there today!
Although not a replica of the two pillars of Freemasonry, there is an echo in the basic idea of them. Also there is a fantastic commemorative carving at the base of the right hand pillar, offering thanks to the lodges for their generosity, and specifically naming the then Provincial Grand Master for Dorset, the Right Worshipful Brother K. Harry Barnes JP, who still attends Vindelis today, among a very busy diary of activities.
This grand event was marked at 11:30 on 9th May 2004 by a procession of Freemasons, in full regalia (possibly for the first time in 100 years!), making their way to where the foundation stone would be laid. A 'time-capsule' was placed in the ground under the stone, for future generations, with contributions not only from Freemasonry, but also 10 children from Tophill Junior School.